School’s Out!

AO: Jericho

When: 2024-05-24

QIC: Hushpuppy

PAX (10): Cha-Ching, Diego, Hushpuppy, Mantooth, Mr. Hand, Napalm, Soul Glo, Todd Doherty l F3 UMass, Tsunami, Whiz


School’s Out!  First beatdown after school is out for the summer


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The Thang:

15 COLT 60s, run down and bacK 20 COLT 60s, run down and back 10 Nancy Lopez, 10 merkins on coupon deposit coupon, winding mosey down to lower lot Dora (welcome back Diego): 80 BBSU, 120 Merkins, 1 lap. mosey up to top football field for extended 11s: diamond merkins, sumo squats and don’t forget to pay your county tax for the schools with 2 Wolverine twists!! school’s our burpees: Alice cooper’s famous tune playing while you either SSH or high knees. Each time you hear “school” you perform a merkin mosey to flag


Prayers for suicide prevention #988 Hushpuppy’s family (cousin’s wife in Augusta terminally ill) prayers those with addiction and suicidal thoughts

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Wolverine twists are just glorious. Honored to lead today.

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