My Legs!

AO: The Wreck

When: 2024-05-22

QIC: Meltdown

PAX (20): Ariel, Bear, Blue, Bobber, Catheter, Mad Dog, Matt Shields-Norm, Meltdown, Missionary, Miyagi, Moonshine, Password 123, rip, Sleeper, Squatty, Squeegee, Nutmeg, TheFifth, Babel


Proceeded to the parking lot by the football fields for SSH, Toy Soldiers and Imperial Walkers.

The Thang:

PAX partnered up and grabbed 1 coupon per group.  Everyone lined up on the parking lot line closest to the trail head at the bottom of the parking lot.  Partner A (with the coupon) lunged to the cones (halfway point of the parking lot) and back while partner B knocked out 20 merkins, 25 flutter kicks, 30 LBCs and repeated this until partner A returned.  Once partner A returned, they switched exercises and repeated this 2x.  Once everyone wrapped up with the above 2x.... We lined up on the same line.  Partner A executed RDLs with the coupon (holy crap was that too far or what?!) while partner B knocked out 20 Box cutters, 25 J-Los, 30 'Merican Hammers.  We did this only once because the RDLs were one notch above miserable.  Mosey to the playground.... At the playground partner A knocked out 20 shrugs with a picnic bench while partner B did 20 calf raises.  2x around then mosey to the flag.  At the flag.... We went around the circle (only made it 3 pax) executing different exercises.


Continued prayers for Blue that he lands a job ASAP, either at his former employer (SAP) or someone within that same space.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Be kind to one another, and yourself.  Be mindful of when you veer off the path of Jesus (either mentally or physically) and onto the worldly path.  Strengthen our brothers around us.  Share stories that make us laugh and help us to release any burdens we bear, because we are not intended to carry them (alone).

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