Falcon 026

AO: The Bound

When: 2024-05-22

QIC: Avis

PAX (15): Cookie, Ha-ha, Jackalope, MillerTime, Nacho Libre, Red Ryder, Scampi, Tank, Tsunami, Golden Corral, Hotshot, Badger, Square Root, Tarmac


  • In the Gloom of Monday 4/29/24 at AO Wet Willy in STL-Meramec with a PAX count of 14, an unthinkable tragedy occurred. FNG, Jason Richards, had finished his first workout and the naming process was underway. Jason shared about his love for his four kids, his incredibly strong wife, and love for "real" country music before collapsing.
  • The men in the Gloom with him that morning immediately sprung to action to apply First AID/CPR and call 911. Jason was quickly transported to the hospital by ambulance, but unfortunately he did not survive. Jason agreed to show up to his first F3 workout after a long-time multi-approach EH. Jason was the cornerstone of his family and sole provider as his wife has been battling cancer for quite some time.
  • Jason also served selflessly in the youth sports programs of his community including the Jr. Football Program as a longtime coach, dedicated to helping turn boys into young men. At the 5/1/24 AO Wet Willy beatdown, Jason was finally named “Falcon”, in honor of his tremendous commitment and involvement with the Rockwood Summit community (63026 or the 026) and Athletic programs. His favorite attire was cargo shorts and a Rockwood Summit shirt (Maroon and Black).
  • If you are looking for a workout to Q in the coming days, please consider the Falcon 026. As you perform the tribute beatdown, please reflect on Jason’s life, impact, and family. The 14 SSH In Cadence remind us we do this together and that Falcon was the 14th man that morning of his passing. As you count to 26, consider the legacy he left and impact on his 026 community. Remember his four kids and wife as you go through the rounds of reps and the lap. And maybe even consider wearing black and or maroon.


  • SSH
  • Arm Circles
  • Toy Soldiers
  • Weed Pickers
  • Hillbillies

The Thang:

The beatdown starts with 14 4-count SSH
  • 26 Flying Squirrels
  • 26 American Hammers-Alpha
  • 26-Lunges-Single
  • 26-Curls
  • One Lap
  • 26 No cheat merkins
  • 4 rounds
Everyone did as much as they could before we had to call time.
  • The beatdown finishes with 14 more SSH
We had about a minute and a half left so we did 15 burpees!

Naked-Man Moleskin:

RIP Jason Richard - Falcon

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