Murph prep

AO: Badapple

When: 2024-05-20

QIC: Tank

PAX (10): Avis, Chubbs, Cornhole, goat, Goose, Rusty, Sweep3r, The Real Woody, The_OG Zima


Monday before school gets out, Murph on the horizon and summer.


SSH weed pickers Hill Billy windmill

The Thang:

Thang 1. Run to pull up bars, pax do 4 sets of the below rotation of: 30 alpha count Mountain climbers 20 box jumps 10 pull ups Flutters for the six Run back to the flag Thang 2. Cinder work, all cinder work rep count of 20. Overhead press Curls Run parking lot, at halfway point do 10 Groiners. KB swings chest press Run parking lot , halfway do ten groiners Goblet Squats Arm raises (pilaf press) run lot, ten groiners skull crushers lunges single count run and groiners rise and repeat till 6:12 Ending everyone gets on a parking curb  in high plank with feet on the curb, moving left and right and knocking out 5 mercans 4 separate times.


Prayers for Goose, Chalupa family, Dosido and others battling health or injury.

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