“It Will Be Fun”!!!

AO: Norseman

When: 2024-05-14

QIC: Caffey

PAX (21): Cam's, Chapter 11, Crikey, DeLorean, DirtyMO, Ha-ha, Knight Rider, Matlock, muTTon, Password 123, Pepper, Plumb Bob, Slick, Stroller, Stu, Tumbleweed, Tin Foil; Fire Marshal Bill; Grave Digger (FNG); and Squirrel (FNG)


Knowing that I was leaving soon, your fearless leader Knight Rider reached out and asked me to Q before leaving. My schedule has been crazy, but he graciously gave up his Q for me and I took it. It was time to put Ha-Ha's claim to the test. I had a really diabolical plan in mind, but went for the semi-diabolical plan to make sure everyone didn't hate me on my way out of town. I promised that each person would get stronger, and I hope I lived up to the hype. Also, shout out to Devito for this original idea that I simply altered the exercises a bit. It is a good one! Of course, I gave a top-notch disclaimer and we were off.


Everyone was standing under the nice pavilion staying warm and dry in the mist, so I immediately brought them out of the comfort to get rain on their heads and make them a bit uncomfortable. I told them we needed as much of the 45 minutes as possible so it would be a short warm-up.
  • SSH: 12
  • Weed picker: 10
  • Imperial Walker: 10
  • COVID/Michael Phelps: 10

The Thang:

We ran across the street to the other parking lot and low and behold someone put a board there for our use. It's weird how that happens sometimes. The plan was to exercise, run, burpee, and repeat with a descending count with respect to the exercises. Simple and effective. See the list below.
  1. Mercans: 100
    • Run to the fire hydrant and back to starting place
    • 10 burpees
  2. Squats: 90
    • Run to the fire hydrant and back to starting place
    • 10 burpees
  3. Flutter Kicks: 80 (hands in the air or they don't count)
    • Run to the fire hydrant and back to starting place
    • 10 burpees
  4. Mountain Climbers: 70 (Alpha)
    • Run to the fire hydrant and back to starting place
    • 10 burpees
  5. Gas Pumpers: 60
    • Run to the fire hydrant and back to starting place
    • 10 burpees
  6. Shoulder Taps: 50 (Alpha)
    • Run to the fire hydrant and back to starting place
    • 10 burpees
  7. Carolina Dry Docks: 40
    • Run to the fire hydrant and back to starting place
    • 10 burpees
  8. Jump Squats: 30
    • Run to the fire hydrant and back to starting place
    • 10 burpees
  9. Diamond Mercans: 20
    • Run to the fire hydrant and back to starting place
    • 10 burpees
  10. Ranger Mercans: 10
    • Run to the fire hydrant and back to starting place
    • 10 burpees
Stroller made it the furthest, getting to the Ranger Mercans which is a feat in 45 minutes.  


Prayers for moves and new adventures and any unspoken prayers.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

This is a solid group of Norseman men, who came out and didn't complain about a tough beatdown. Also, two FNGs made it through a tough one to get initiated into the group. Solid work by all, and especially welcome the FNGs Grave Digger and Squirrel. I have said it to others in F3, but I want to say it here, although we joke about the competition between the best AO around (Rubicon, of course) and that other AO up north, the leaders at the Norseman are top-notch. Knight Rider is one of the strongest men around (yes, he is strong, but I really mean a strong leader) in my opinion and I think you all picked a perfect Site Q. Even though I do not attend Norseman that often, I consistently read his encouraging posts from week to week in the channel. Also, I would highly suggest that any new guys soak up the leadership capabilities and wisdom of Ha-Ha and Stu. Two of the kindest and best all-around leaders that the area could have, plus they can run circles around most F3 guys. There are countless others that have really strong leadership capabilities, and I'm appreciative of the opportunity to learn from each of you.   Anyways, enough with the sappy stuff, Rubicon RULES and Norseman DROOLS! RUBICON FOREVER!   CAFFEY OUT!

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