First Annual Fla-MAY-ngo Games

AO: Gladiator

When: 2024-05-14

QIC: Macbeth

PAX (15): Bo Knows, Butterknife, Capsize, Chanel, Cheneral, Dark_Side, DREAMER, Dutch Oven, FannyPack, Macbeth, Mater, Spandex, Speedo, Strong Arm, Brownie


Standard announcements


Little bit of SSH, high knees, tempo Merkins, and then some stretches

The Thang:

This is a Capture the Flag style Beatdown with Flamingos instead of flags. All PAX will separate into two teams, either by appointing captains or a 1-2 count off (we will count off tomorrow). Teams will collect Glo-Sticks scattered around the park and, after collecting 5 Glo-Sticks, they are allowed to find and collect a Flamingo. Each team is allowed only one Flamingo, but as many Glo-Sticks as they are able to find or steal. Once a team has a Flamingo they are free to "steal" Glo-Sticks from the other team. Rules of play listed below:
  1. Nothing in life is free, so the cost to collect a Glo-Stick is listed on a small paper next to that particular pile (i.e. 100 Merkins, 50 Absolutions, etc...). The cost to steal a Glo-Stick will be 50 Burpees. The cost of a Flamingo is 100 Pull-ups.**
  2. You may send out a raiding party (or parties) of up to 1/2 your team to go collect or steal a Glo-Stick. The cost to collect/steal is shared among all teammates on the raiding party. You may send out as many raiding parties as you like so long as the total number of team-mates on a raid is less than half your team.
  3. At all times 1/2 your team must remain at "base", and those at base must be actively doing 11's of Merkins and Big-Boys on constant rinse and repeat.
  4. The only exception to the rule above is if a team calls a "Flamboyance" (the official term for a flock of flamingos). Their team is allowed to air-chair in a circle for a 30 second strategy meeting - ALL members of a team must be present for a Flamboyance to be called.
  5. All Glo-Sticks must be placed in an obvious location decided upon at the beginning of the game and all Glo-Sticks collected must be kept together.
  6. The winner is the team with the most points at the end of the beatdown - Glo-Sticks count for one point each, Flamingo's are 5 points.
**quick note on modifying: you are welcome to modify as necessary, don't hurt yourself, but if you modify in order to cheat the system (i.e. knee merkins when you know you can do the full thing or half pull-ups when you've got a few more full ones in you) then the Flamingods will cast their judgement on you . Jk, there are no Flamingods, but you should push yourself to your limit before modifying - don't cheat yourself or your fellow PAX.   Station 1 - Squats on the upper parking lot Station 2 - Merkins between the tennis courts Station 3 - curls by the splash pad Station 4 - Leg Raises on the right field Station 5 - Burpees on the left field Station 6 - Dips at the Baseball Concessions Station 7 - Pull-ups at the pavilion Station 8 - Leg Raises at the Cheese Grater parking lot Station 9 - Absolutions at the other pavillion


Prayers for Capsize's friend getting surgery today (Karen) an his girlfriends father also going through a medical procedure. Prayers for Spandex's job search

Naked-Man Moleskin:

It was fun, it was flamboyant, and now it's finished.

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