On the Fly

AO: Jericho

When: 2024-05-03

QIC: Pinkman

PAX (7): Mantooth, Mr. Hand, Napalm, Pinkman, Schneider, Soul Glo, Todd Doherty l F3 UMass


Q sheet was open this week so I grabbed it, I didn’t have a real plan or theme for this beat down but we figured it out along the way.


Long mosey on the trail to the lower baseball parking lot. Windmills, Good Mornings, Hillbillies, Moroccan Night Clubs, Willie Mays Hayes.

The Thang:

Mosey to lower football field circle up at mid field. Thang 1: 50 squats 10 Burpees 40 Reverse Lunges 10 Burpees 30 Mountain Climbers 10 Burpees 20 Big Boy Sit ups 10 Burpees 10 Hand Release Merkins 10 Burpees Thang 2: Mosey back to coupon pile stopping at each set of bleachers for 10 dips along the way. Pick a respectable coupon and headed to the hill between the upper and lower parking lots. Next up was some 11’s, performed Thrusters with coupon in the lower lot and bear crawl the hill with LBCs up top. Thang 3 With a few mins remaining we made use of the coupons and PAX took turns calling out an exercise. Curls, Rows, Over Head press, Skull Crushers, Negative curls, Skull Crushers again.


Convergence tomorrow at Nirvana. Prayers for Dream Boats son and family.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always a pleasure to lead this group of men.

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