Pain was the Main Thang in the Rain

AO: Firehouse

When: 08/29/2023

QIC: Better Call Saul

PAX (7): Better Call Saul, Closets closets closets, DDoS, Janeway, Jolt, Seaman, Snowplow


Storms in the forecast so planned for the pavilion.  Rain was actually light during the BD so we ventured out for a little cardio between rounds.



Imperial Walkers

Willie Mays Hays

Michael Phelps

The Thang:

BD was a progression of exercises with most requiring the use of a dumbbell or kettlebell.

It went like this-

5 merkins then run down to the stop sign and back

5 merkins + 10 curl and press; then run

5 merkins + 10 curl and press +15 skull crushers; then run

5 merkins + 10 curl and press + 15 skull crushers +20 lawnmower/rows; then run

5 merkins + 10 curl and press + 15 skull crushers + 20 lawnmower/rows +25 squats; then run

Optional to drop first exercise from here out

add 30 LBC’s and finally add 35 calf raises.

The PAX did a great job and we finished almost exactly on time.

I said while we were out there that this must have been a good BD because the Q is absolutely miserable.


no announcements but prayers for:

Snowplow’s mom as she travels and for his brother

Seaman’s coworker is home from the hospital and recovering

DDos’ wife having some pain issues

Dunshire interview today

It was great to have Jolt at Firehouse – if I am not mistaken, it was his first time at this AO

And I know we have PR and PPR but maybe we need to have another category for F3 PAX who come to the AO to run and don’t participate in the workout.  I am looking at you Schneider.

Music playlist:

Stone Cold – Rainbow

Dirty Laundry – Don Henley

Unchained – Van Halen

Foolin’ – Def Leppard

A Girl Like You – The Smithereens

Subdivisions – Rush

Blue Collar Man – Styx

Just a Job to Do – Genesis

Heavy Metal – Sammy Hagar

Naked-Man Moleskin:

appreciate the HIM who came out today in the nasty weather.  An ideal day to fartsack but these men showed up and worked hard.  Look forward to the Janeway BD on Thursday.

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