Darth Visor Memorial CSAUP

AO: Big Creek

When: 08/26/2023

QIC: F3 Cumming

PAX (65): Ace Ventura, Benny, Deuce (Jay Mooney), Mantooth, Olaf, Snake, Vanna, Whiz, Station Q's listed above. Attendees included 65 PAX from across the Alpha Region including 3 FNGs


It’s a privilege to honor the memory of one of our founding members of the F3 Alpha Region,  Darth Visor.  Darth had a larger than life personality; he valued relationships and would often rearrange his day with work and other responsibilities if PAX needed him for mentoring, advice, help, etc,; he seized each day.  He did not sit around trying to come up with all of the reasons not to do things; he was focused on growth.  While the status quo can be comfortable, it does not promote acceleration and he would usually choose the tougher path over the easy one.  (Except when he was the Q and he called an exercise that was too hard.  He was the king of the audible!  I can still hear him now…”20 burpees…1….2…..3……4……..5…….Audible!  Make it 6 burpees!!!).  You get the picture!


Big Circle for warm up – the Q started the warm up with some windmills, but there was an odd feeling in the air – a buzzing sound, ringing in my ear and an ominous feeling of disorientation that threw me for a minute.  Was it the oppressive heat and humidity that had been plaguing us all week?  Was it the spirit of Darth coming to mess with me like he loved to do with all Qs?  Turns out, it was a new addition to the event – @Crab Cake’s new drone!  OK – wipe the brow and continue with some Side Straddle Hops and Imperial Walkers.

The Thang:

PAX count off in groups of 8 and head out to the varied stations.  Q breaks the group into 2 teams who compete with each other for the highly coveted Visor Victory Point.  When it’s time to rotate, one team goes clockwise and the other counter-clockwise.  This year’s stations were:

  1. Chipping Contest
  2. Derkin Doomsday Clock
  3. Tug-of-War
  4. Bowling
  5. Tire Flip
  6. Truck Pull
  7. Sled Race
  8. Log Carry

As always, we closed with 20 Seal Sit ups, Darth’s favorite exercise:)


A huge thank you to all of the volunteers and everyone from around the region who came out to show their support for our fallen brother.  The “orange for Darth” theme that resonated throughout the country back in 2018 was alive and in full force.  I know he looked down on us with a huge smile as the current F3 Alpha organization equates to a dream come true for Darth.  Thank you all!

Naked-Man Moleskin:

  • Welcome to 3 FNGs – Change Order, Shin Guard, and Yukon
  • Congrats to this year’s Champions – Sunshine, Bagel, and Meatball
  • Thanks to Ashley Bagley with Forsyth CPR for partnering with us to provide CPR training across the region
  • Thank you to all PAX who donated to our annual Darth Visor Memorial Campaign in support of Mentor Me.  Mentoring youth was a passion of Darth’s – we’ve collected ~$2,000 and there is still an opportunity to donate through 8/31.  This was partially made possible by generous matching gift donations by @Cookie, @Baskins, @Ace Ventura and many others.  Thank you gentlemen!  You are a shining example of invigorating male community leadership!
  • Special thanks to @Crab Cake for managing the drone footage and creating the amazing video that you can find on the #mumblechatter channel.  If you haven’t seen it, you need to take a look!  Amazing tribute to our friend and F3 Alpha!

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