Football Training Camp (or is it for IPC?)

AO: Boneyard

When: 08/21/2023

QIC: Dinghy

PAX (13): Chanel, Darkside, FannyPack, Floater, Half-Dozen, Mounty, Pigtails, RaspberryPi, Reboot, Trebek, Zohan, 2.0 Einstein


Been a few weeks since YHC posted at the Boneyard, for various reasons (memorial BD’s at other AO’s, feeling as if one got hit by a truck, etc.), so needed to get back in the saddle. With no FNG’s in tow, we got at it quick…..meaning a 30 second disclaimer and off we went.


10 each of:

Weedpickers, Willie Mays Hays, Moroccan Nightclubs, Hillbillies, SSH’s

Mosey around the ampitheater to Mater’s Parking Lot


The Thang:

Lining up on the south end of the parking, pax conducted:

  1. Face east, conduct side squats for 2 parking spots; conduct 2 Ranger mercans; face west, conduct side squats for 2 parking spots; condut 2 Ranger mercans. Rinse repeat across the parking lot, then return via same means, still doing Ranger mercans.
  2. 1 Mercan, lunge walk 1 parking spot, 2 Mercans, lunge walk 2 parking spots, and so on until making it across the parking. Repeat back across the parking lot
  3. 1 Monkey humper, broad jump 1 parking spot, etc., making it across the parking lot. Repeat back across the parking lot

Lining up on the east side of the parking lot, pax conducted an 11 with Imperial Walkers and Plank Jacks on opposite side of the lot. Mode of travel heading west was Inch Bunnies until the end of the parking space stripes, then run to the opposite side. Mode of travel heading east was Bear Crawls until the end of the parking space stripes, then run to the opposite side. Hillbilly for the 6

Mosey back to the flag, and that was TIME


Don’t forget the Darth Visor CSAUP, Fowler Park this Saturday, starting at 6:30

Prayers for Dinghy’s friend for healing

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Great to get back to the Boneyard after 3 weeks away. Always a pleasure to lead, and also good to see us continuing to grow organically. Keep EH’ing those sad clowns in your life, men.

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