Murder Hornets at the Creek

AO: Big Creek

When: 08/16/2023

QIC: Dumpster

PAX (17): Avis, Baskins, DirtyMO, Dumpster, déjà vu, Jiminy, Mantooth, Mr. Hand, Olaf, Pinkman, Samsonite, Snake, Snowman, Soul Glo, Spit Valve, Swiper, Two Hand Touch


YHC set a goal of 20 PAX or Burpees will be had!


Mossy down to the bottom of the hill while YHC counted the number of PAX.  UGH.  Only 17


Weed Pickers

Moracin Nightclub


The Thang:

Coupon pile then mossy up to first field.


  • Murder Bunny to 10 yard line – 10 Man-Makers and 10 BBSU with coupon.  Bear Crawl back pushing coupon
  • Murder Bunny to 20 yard line – 20 coupon lunges and 20 flutters with coupon press. Bear Crawl back pushing coupon
  • Murder Bunny to 30 yard line – 30 Coupon Squats and 30 curl overhead press.  Bear Crawl back pushing coupon

Waited for @snowman to stop talking and then proceeded with 10 more burpees

GYM LAPS:  Mossy over to the gym area.

  • 10 Derkins / 10 box jumps – then lap around gym
  • 8 Derkins / 8 box jumps – then lap around gym
  • and so on until complete








Darth Visor 8/26 at Big Creek.  More info will be posted on Slack

Prayers for Snowman and YHC’s mother-in-laws as they go through struggles.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

You don’t get results by focusing on results.  You get results by focusing on the HABITS and BEHAVIORS that produce results.

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