The Arkansas Jail

AO: Academy

When: 08/15/2023

QIC: Mayhem

PAX (4): Devito, HotSauce, Stroller


As many of you know, my uncle received a scam call from “me” saying I was in a Arkansas Jail and needed $9k for bail.  Yes, preying on our elders is despicable, but fortunately he did not fall for it. I’m also very thankful that I was not actually in an AR jail!

But this got YHC thinking, what would that be like?  With some AK prison weather rolling in that had us sweating as soon as we stepped out of our cars, 4 PAX attempted to find out.


Run to downtown to commit a crime.

Disclaimer:  Not an actual crime.  More of a crime against the fartsack.

The Thang:

The Crime: 50 Monkey Humpers in front of Townhall.  Devito issued forth his customary monkey howl (though it was at level 1 volume).  We fled, but couldn’t outrun the law.

The Punishment: 11s on the green, with No Surrenders and the a new exercise, the “Arkansas Jail”, at the ends.  AR Jail is an 8 count exercise which starts with a Groiner, drop into low plank, J-Lo, then back up into a high plank (basically a fancy Makhtar N’Diayes).  Near the end I got a call from the warden who told me that he was unimpressed with our form, so he ordered a bear-crawl for the final stretch.

The “Prison Yard” – Mosey’d back to the stadium and straight No-See-Um’s cinders. One Pax would do AMRAP pullups/AMRAP Toe-Taps on the crossbar, while the other three did Thrusters, Curls, and Overhead Press with blocks.  When Pax #1 hit failure, we rotated to the next station.  Two rounds completed in total.

The “Rock Pile” – What’s more prison-y than a rock pile! 50 Goblet Squats, lap around the track.  Mucho Chesto, lap.  25 (alpha) American Hammers, lap.

The People’s “Chair” – 2 minute static hold against the stadium wall.

With 3 minutes left, we headed back to the flag for some Stroller instructed Mary.


Don’t forget the Darth-Visor Convergence is coming up 8/26 at Fowler Park.  This is one of the best convergences of the year, as it draws guys from Cherokee, has a fun (competitive) format, and is generally a great way to celebrate a true HIM that passed too soon.

Prayers for the people of Maui, who have a long road ahead.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always a pleasure to lead.

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