Baseball Cardy Party

AO: Galaxy

When: 08/15/2023

QIC: Fenway

PAX (19): chelsea, Compost, DIGIT, Fannie, Fenway, Jorts, Louganis, Marcia, McLovin (Amir Oren), Percy, Skol, Sparky, Spirit Fingers, Thumper, Tweaker, Wideright, Yearn, Harvard, Patty Cakes


We warmed up Top Gun style with Danger Zone. Side straddle hops and deep squats!


Shout out to Marcia for making it back out and sharing his struggles. We’re here for you brother!

1 thought on “Baseball Cardy Party”

  1. Some content got lost when submitting the BB, so adding it here:

    The Thang
    We had a baseball cardy party. Similar to a Deck of Death, but with baseball cards. The first and last name indicated the number of reps and the exercise according to the chart below.
    | | First Name# of reps | Last NameExercise |
    | A – E | 10 | Bench Press |
    | F – J | 15 | Merkins |
    | K – O | 20 | Curls |
    | P – T | 25 | Overhead Press |
    | U – Z | 30 | Kettle Bell Swing |

    And of course, we had a few special exercises for players from our most beloved teams 😉
    – Boston Red Sox: Cusack Lap
    – NY Yankee: 100 LBCs
    – Atlanta Brave: 15 man makers


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