This was the fun beatdown I planned

AO: Windjammer

When: 08/11/2023

QIC: Zohan

PAX (12): Caroline, Cookie, Deep dish, False Start, Irene, lumbergh, mike c (Brutus ), Nair, Sparkie, Townie, uga, Walkie Talkie, Zohan


Plan A was to reuse (but update) the Memory Game beatdown I run at the Boneyard some time ago. But a Plan B was needed because of the chance for rain. I did not want to run Plan B, so I was glad the sky looked clear enough. Yes, there were a few lightning flashes in the distance but I hoped the weather will hold. It did.


Mosey in the parking lot, some side shuffles and ass kickers. Weed Pickers, SSH, Toy Soldiers, Chinooks, Arm Circles, Copper Head Squats. Maybe not in that order.

The Thang:

An almost traditional Memory Game. 12 pairs of cards with exercises on them. Actually – 25 total. I had an additional card added to make it more fun. Each round pick 2 cards and do both. If they are the same, they go out of the game. Otherwise fold them back.

the Pairs included: 10 Burpees, 15 HR Merkins, Bear Crawl, Sprint, Run, 20 Big Boys, 15 Bonnie Blairs alpha, 25 Flatter Kicks alpha, 10 Makhtars singles, 25 American Hammers alpha, 25 Squats, 10 Peter Parkers alpha.

The single card was 15 Bird Dog alpha. In the Exicon I found another name for it: Austin Ass-kickers. On hands and knees. Life one leg straight back and the opposite arm straight forward. Back to starting position. Other leg and hand. That’s “1”.

The PAX did well. Bear Crawls were identified early on and taken out. There was a lucky pull of both Bonnie Blair cards together. Burpees were identified, separately, and the PAX took great care to not pick them up again. HR Merkins sucked. Peter Parkers were also taken out. All in all we got a full body workout. No time for Mary.


Milli Vanilli asked on Slack for prayers for the White Family. Walkie Talkie’s dad and my uncle needed prayers for health.

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