7 of Diamonds (Rectangles)

AO: Grindstone

When: 08/11/2023

QIC: Spit Valve

PAX (14): Bill Dance, Crab Cake, DirtyMO, Hail Mary, Inseam, Jiminy, Omaha, Snake, Snowman, Spit Valve, Striker (Brendan Day), Swiper, Valley Girl, Vanna


Though the humidity is still high, it was not too hot, so it was a nice morning to bring the pain and send Bill Dance off to college in style.  Finally being in the month that college football starts, the smack talk officially began today.


Vanna kicked off the warm up with a little jog and SSH’s, Good Mornings, Hillbillies and Imperial Walkers.  We mosey’d back to the field, stopping to grab a manly coupon on the way.

The Thang:

We dropped our coupons in the corner of the endzone and began our Beatdown:

Starting in the corner of the endzone do 7 burpees, run to the other corner of the endzone, do 7 burpees, run the length of the football field to the opposite end zone, do 7 burpees, run to the other corner of that endzone, do 7 burpees and run back to the starting point.

Those that finished that round early were to do rounds of 10 curls, 10 press and 10 o’head extensions with a coupon of their choice.

Once all were back, we repeated with the following rounds:

  • 14 jump squats
  • 21 shoulder taps
  • 28 squats
  • 21 hand-release merkins
  • 14 lunges
  • 7 burpees

Unfortunately, we ran up against the clock and were not able to do the final “7 burpees” round, so everyone took an oath to get 28 burpees in sometime during the day.


  • CPR training is being held today at Cherry St.
  • Darth Visor event is the 26th – volunteers are needed.
  • Prayer requests for the MIL heading to hospice and her family.
  • Prayer requests for the local band teacher whose child is fighting Leukemia.
  • We wish safety and fun as Bill Dance and all the other college students heading off/returning to school over the weekend.

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