Sirmixalot’s Mixtape of Suffering

AO: Firehouse

When: 08/10/2023

QIC: Sirmixalot

PAX (9): Better Call Saul, Closets closets closets, DDoS, LifeLock VPN, Lightweight, Seaman, Sirmixalot, Snowplow, Suarez


YHC had in mind to revisit one of my old standby beatdowns. The mixtape of suffering the songs are different as are the exercises – but the misery remains the same.


Did some slow warmups from head to toe starting with neck/head circles and worked our way through shoulders, hips, back, and legs during the length of one instrumental song.

“They move on tracks of never ending light” – by This Will Destroy You

The Thang:

For each song the direction was given to either complete the prescribed movement at a lyric or to perform the exercise throughout the song.

The Mixtape of Suffering:

Track 1 – “Tubthumping” – By Chumbawamba – Exercise Burpees at every “I get knocked down but I get up again.” and imperial walkers in between.

Track 2 – “Bicycle Race” by Queen – Freddie Mercuries throughout the song

Track 3 – “Roxanne” by The Police – Merkin at every “Roxanne” and plank jack at every “Put on the red light” – plank for all the in between.

Track 4 – “Flower” by Moby – Leg raise up at every “Up” and down to 6″ at every “down”

Track 5 – “Till I Collapse” by Eminem – Squats throughout the song.

Track 6 – “Beat It” by Michael Jackson – Shoulder taps for each shoulder at every “Beat It” and plank for all the in between.

Track 7 – “Bust a move” by Young MC – Alabama Ass Kickers (Alternating legs) throughout the song

Track 8 – “U Can’t Touch This” by MC Hammer – American Hammers throughout the song

Track 9 – “Black Betty” – by Ram Jam – No Surrender at every “Bamalam” (or amberlamps if you want to hear it that way) slow high knees for the balance of the song – including the laboriously long solo section.

Track 10 – “Quiet” by This Will Destroy You – Cool down and stretching


The Pax decided that these playlist workouts are “deceptively difficult” – We shared some upcoming events and prayed and then had Coffeteria

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always an honor to lead.

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