Nuthin’ But A “G” Thang

AO: Badapple

When: 08/09/2023

QIC: The_OG Zima

PAX (9): Avis, Chalupa, goat, Ollie, Rusty, Sprocket, The_OG Zima, Turbine, Vanilla


Today’s playlist is brought to you by YO! MTV Raps


Mosey to basketball courts behind school

  • SSH
  • Weedpicker
  • Mt Climber
  • Shoulder Tap
  • Copperhead Squat
  • Michael Phelps
  • Sungods

Finally, to the song Glory Days, pax start in plank position. When music starts, begin plank jack. Every time you hear Glory Days do a merkin. Rinse and repeat until end of song. Mosey across the street to the gazebo in the shopping center.

The Thang:

PAX Partner up.

At the gazebo both partners do 5 Burpee’s then run in opposite directions to the other side of the parking lot. Once partners meet up, perform 10 partner merkins. Run in opposite directions back to the gazebo

Once partners meet up, perform 10 burpee’s, run in opposite directions to other side of parking lot. Once partners meet up, perform 20 partner merkins. Run in opposite directions back to the gazebo.

Next up at the Gazebo, DORA 1,2,3 100 derkins, 200 dips, 300 step-ups

Partner 1 performs exercise. Partner 2 runs to the back of the parking lot and back then flapjack with Partner 1 until all reps of each round are completed.

Back to the flag for time



  • Penny and her recovery
  • Goose and his fight with cancer
  • All the kids and teachers who are back in school.


  • Darth Visor Convergence coming up
  • Readymix Quad coming up
  • Ollie’s Fundraiser for Big City Mountaineers Sat Aug 26th 2-5

Naked-Man Moleskin:

I can confirm the report that one @Ollie did in fact post on a day where he was not leading!

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