Hitting Harris Hill

AO: Crossroads

When: 08/07/2023

QIC: lumbergh

PAX (14): Avis, DeLorean, El Matador, Ha-ha, Hollywood, Lefty, Log Cabin, Mayhem, Nacho Libre, Stu, TO, TopHat, Turbine


Started down a back to school idea and maybe running a bus route or seeing how w many schools we could pass

Decided not to risk the school lots and that we should just run a hill.

The Thang:

Through Crabapple Chase

Down Rucker

Right on Harris and at least one trip up. 1-2 got in four trips several 3s and a few 2s.

Back to start via Broadwell.

Just a little overtime for some but enjoyed a lightning show / portal while waiting.

Special Thanks to Top Hat for the water drop which I should have taken better advantage of. Next time…


Ha-ha shared words of the Terminator and how he views foods and choices. “Will this help me reach my goal?” (Running Hills is always a Yes)

Prayers for back to school teachers and kids.

Prayers that the right decision occurs for Nacho and M.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always a pleasure to lead and elevate.

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