Back to School BeatDown

AO: Grindstone

When: 08/04/2023

QIC: Spit Valve

PAX (11): Bill Dance, Corn Dog, Crab Cake, DirtyMO, Hail Mary, Inseam, Snake, Snowman, Spit Valve, Swiper, Jigowatt


Forsyth County schools start next week.  Some colleges (UGA included) start next week.  11 PAX got together in the gloom to finish the summer strong.  This was my VQ–I was a bit anxious and did not sleep too well last night.  Turns out, I should not have worried–Crabcake, Spitvalve and Jigowatt had prepped me really well through the framework, exercises, rep counts, etc.


Mosey across the parking lot to the front of the park.  Go thru the regular intro (we had one newish Pax, Jigowatt) and disclaimer.  Warm up with SSH, SunGods, Imperial Walker and WeedPicker.

The Thang:

If school is starting, it must be time for football, right?  It felt right that our spirited band of Dawgs, YellowJackets, Hokies, Seminoles, Wolverines, etc., should get Strong on the gridiron…

Mosey to one corner of the football field.
Complete a 4-corners set consisting of…
        burpees, bbsus, carolina dry docks and plank jacks
        rep count increased from 20 to 40 to 60 to 80 as we moved from one corner to the next
Repeat the 4-corners with the following change…
       lunge walk 25 yards when going across the short side of the field
       bear crawl 20 yards when going across the long side of the field
mosey over to the endzone
Partner up with another PAX for a DORA 1-2-3
       one partner runs to the other end of the field and back; other performs an exercise;
       50 reps of merkins, squats and lbcs
Mosey back to the flag for Mary
       Boxcutter, Freddy Mercury, Penguins and American Hammer


Several announcements…

  1. Driveway mile on 8/5/23.   7am start at Haw Creek park.  Still time to HC.  Thanks to @inseam and @valleygirl for organzing!
  2. 2ndF Lunch and CPR Training on 8/11/23 @ 11:30am.  HC if you can attend, so @deuce can plan
  3. DarthVisor memorial CSAUP on 8/26/23.  DM @Swiper if you can volunteer.  Announcement on signups to come out shortly.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thanks everyone for joining the BD today at Grindstone.  It was a memorable experience for me.  Seven months ago, as an FNG at an @Inseam beatdown, I was beat after a couple of burpees.  You all have helped me improve a lot since then.  It was an honor to lead this group of HIMs in the gloom today.

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