Go ahead and jump

AO: The Wreck

When: 08/02/2023

QIC: Catheter

PAX (14): aflac, Alvin Townley, Blue, Catheter, Coat Check, defcon2, Grouch, Gutterball, Juul, Meltdown, Miyagi, Mountain Mama, Raider, rip


YHC has been running a lot and missing out on the Wreck action.  Time to show up and have some fun with the crew today.  Music selection?  Pushed the limits with a Broadway soundtrack last time – time to bring it back with some classic/semi-classic rock.


Mosey to the parking lot by the turf fields for 12 x SSH, 12 x weed picker, and 12 x mountain climbers.  Mosey to the stadium stairs for the thang…

The Thang:

On the retaining wall for:

  • 15 x box jump (van halen jump popped up on playlist – unplanned but I’ll pretend like it was)
  • 15 x single let split squats (each leg)
  • 2 rotations of sundial each direction

Rinse and repeat

Incline merkins up the stairs, 5 each step.  Light mosey to recover and rinse and repeat.

Mosey to the playground to grab a coupon and head to the hill.  4 times up to the top with coupon.  1st route lunge walk, 2nd route side shuffle, 3rd route other side shuffle, and 4th route backwards.  10 x calf raises at the top.

One more round on the hill – 1st route lunge walk up and 2nd route backwards walk up.

Mosey to the playground, drop coupon, and mosey to the flag.  2 burpees at each light post on the way to the flag.  Mary for time.


Convergence this week, 8/5 – details on mumblechatter slack channel

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Great group this morning, as always.  Everyone pushing themselves and a pleasure to be part of the camaraderie.

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