AO: Rubicon
When: 12/29/2022
QIC: Cookie
PAX (12): Avis, Caffey, Cookie, Devito, FannyPack, Focker, Irene, Isner, lumbergh, No-See-Um, Turbine, Guinness
6 pre-runners and 12 total PAX beat the fartsack on the last Rubicon beatdown of the year. YHC grabbed the Q yesterday and asked the PAX to come with a few things they are grateful for that happened for them in 2022. Oftentimes we are always looking ahead to what is to come and waiting on happiness for when ___ happens. In reality, we must find happiness today and look back at things we have accomplished (while also striving for more). Happiness is not some unreachable goal or some unrealistic ideal. Happiness is what you make of it.
After a quick warmup, YHC instructed the PAX to partner up with someone that they may not know very well or at least have not connected with yet. The instructions were that that one partner would have 15-20 minutes to talk about things that they were grateful for in the past 12 months. The other partner would practice good listening skills and ask probing questions to gather more understanding of it all.
The Thang:
The first task was to run to the children of the corn which was a long mosey and gave the PAX plenty of time to connect. From there we moseyed around the park doing several exercises that didn’t challenge the minds of the PAX, rather just the bodies, which allowed for more conversation.
44 minutes later we returned to the flag for 1 MOM.
YHC was grateful for many things in 2022, one of which is to have the physical ability to do the things we do in the gloom, which allows us to build great relationships with other high impact men. During coffeeteria, we had several PAX share what they heard from their partner which led to great conversation. Due to the holiday start time, we were blessed with a beautiful sunrise before we packed up and left.
Honored to lead. Grateful for this group and these men.