20×23 Challenge
AO: Gladiator
When: 12/29/2022
QIC: Stroller
PAX (10): Bo Knows, DREAMER, Fire Drill, Judy, Laces, RaspberryPi, Scar, Spandex, Speedo, Stroller
It’s the last Gladiator of 2022! Quiet on Slack the night before, no HCs for a pre-run led to 1 PAX out there trying to figure out if it’s cold or not.
45 degree temperatures lured 10 PAX out of the fartsack. Well, 9 when the clock hit 0515 and we jumped right into it. It would be a few minutes before the 10th rolled in…
No mosey. We have a lot to do. 15 quick SSH, 10 weedpickers
The Thang:
YHC dusted off something from an old birthday BD and made a couple adjustments to create the 20×23 challenge. Partner up. Partner A performs the first listed exercise to 23 while Partner B does AMRAP of the second exercise. Flapjack. After both partners have gone, run 1 parking lot lap (about 220 meters).
Squat/Bonnie Blair
Freddy Mercury/Monkey Humper
T-Bomb/Mike Tyson
Smurf Jack/Merkin
Gas Pumper/Buzzsaw
Mountain Climber/Crab Cake
Star Jump/Burpee
American Hammer/BBSU
We completed the list twice to give us 20 rounds of 23 reps. We all stayed pretty close together the whole time and finished with about 90 seconds left on the clock. Hold high plank until the clock hits 0600, and recover
Praise for successful DIY home repairs
YHC offered prayers that completing the 20×23 challenge was a good omen for 2023!
Naked-Man Moleskin:
There’s always something special about being with my original Gladiator crew. Wishing everyone a very blessed 2023!