Can’t Fight the Seether
AO: Badapple
When: 07/15/2022
QIC: TheBurn
PAX (7): goat, Rusty, Sprocket, TheBurn, Santa Claus, Icee, Short Circuit
Still working on mods for the BA Pullup station. Trying something new with metal pips, Garage Bicycle Hooks (only $2 at Home Depot), and the 6×6 posts holding up the pullup bars. Installing hooks on the 3 posts to quickly be able to drop in the pipe for inverted rows, or remove for pullups. Hooks are also good for work with bands – although will save that for another BD. Got my tools together in the morning to layout level locations for hooks, predrilled and installed right before the BD.
Weed Pickers
Mtn Climbers
Copperhead Squat
Michael Phelps
Sun Gods
Cross Arm Shoulder Stretch
Flamingos (Single leg quad)
Calf Stretch on car/truck bumbers
The Thang:
Stations – Rinse and Repeat at each station until Q calls “Rotate”
Round 1:
Pullup Bar (x5), Inverted Rows (x10) Superset
– Repeato until rotation is called
– Used garage bike hooks to quickly drop in pipe for Inverted Rows
Mike Tysons (x10), Big Boys (x20) Superset
- Repeato until rotation is called
Hyperextensions (x15), Incline Ladder Merkin Superset (x3-5 on each bleacher level using the sides)
- Repeato until rotation is called
- For Hypers, place hips on bottom bleacher with legs extended under the bleacher behind it. Bend at the waist with face almost to the ground, lift torso back up horizontally and pause at the top. This can be done with or without a coupon.
- For Incline Ladder Merks, start with feet on lower bleacher (use side of bleacher) with hands on the ground and do 3-5 reps, then move hands and feet laterally to the next level up and do 3-5 reps, repeat until you get to the highest level.
Round 2:
Shrugs (x15 w/dbl cinders), V-Ups (x15) Superset
- Repeato until rotation is called
3-Way Shoulder Raise [Front (x10), Lateral (x10), Bent Over Rev Fly (x10)], V-Ups (x15) Superset
- Repeato until rotation is called
- 10-15lb plates, dumbbells, or broken cinder pieces (see below)
Lunge Walk (w/cinder)/V-Ups (x15) Superset
- Repeato until rotation is called
- Note: this is where @goat broke a Cinder. It was a limited edition and very valuable. Some Pax suspect that he didn’t really want to lunge walk with it anyway.
- Quick on his feet, QIC added the broken pieces to the 3-Way Shoulder Raise station as they could easily be held in the hands and were about the right weight (10-15lbs) for that exercise.
- This is also the station where YHC found out that @Rusty loves Veruca Salt and knows all the words to Seether.
Group Mosey to Ab Station and back to Pullup Bars, Grab Cinders and head to flag.
Finished strong with the Merkin Circle of Death – we got to 203 and only stopped bc we ran out of time (BA boys are getting stronger).
- Prayers for our F3 brothers who have lost their fathers and those that are navigating difficult situations with aging parents. Praying for peace for Sprocket, Goat, Grease Monkey, and Aflac.
- Darth Visor Memorial CSAUP at Fowler Park – 8/28 (AO’s get teams of 3-6 together)
- InsideOut group leader at Northpoint is looking for a co-leader for a camp in Daytona for July 25-29. Msg TheBurn on Slack for details if interested. It would be a super fun and rewarding experience.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
- Reflecting on Grace, Love, and Forgiveness. Let’s do what has been done for us.
- Shoutout to Icee, Santa Claus, and Short Circuit who are accelerating in the Gloom. Glad to have you guys out.
- Grateful for F3