Crickets for Nacho Libre
AO: Norseman
When: 04/26/2022
QIC: Chapter 11
PAX (20): Callahan, Chapter 11, Crikey, Ha-ha, Ivy League, Nacho Libre, No-See-Um, Orvis, Password 123, Pepper, Striper, Stu, TMI, TO, uga, Walkie Talkie, FNG (x2), Mystery Jam, Shawshank
Stu cornered YHC the previous Thursday during our “FNG Day” beatdown with a request to Q, which I groggily accepted in the gloom. A few days later, it was time to come up with the BD and I had no ideas. Nacho Libre sent out a request for a pre-run, and received nothing but crickets on the slack channel. So I figured I’d come up with something to try and help him get his steps in.
Mosey over to the bog parking lot and warm up with
Weed Pickers
Imperial Walkers
Then mosey some more down the road towards the North entrance of the park and stop at the sign for fields 6 & 7.
The Thang:
Once at the sign, I explained The Thang. Pretty simple, but not easy! PAX were told to run down the road to the North Park sign off Bethany Bend and back, and stop for an exercise at each speedbump. Three speedbumps meant 6 total reps on the way there and back. The exercises included:
10 Merkins
10 Lunges (striper count, aka 5 Lunges Alpha Count)
10 Carolina Dry Docks
and finally, we had to make sure to get our biceps ready for summer, so we grabbed some rocks for the last set and carried them down the road and back with 10 curls for the girls at each speedbump.
In between sets, PAX who finished early chose their own adventure exercise while waiting for the 6, and we occasionally threw in some Mary to let PAX catch their breath between runs. Much grumbling about the distance was had, but the trusty Garmin watch revealed at the end of the workout that total mileage was only 2.5 miles. Looks like we need more cardio at the Norseman in the future… I had up to 6 trips down the road and back planned, but we cut it short due to time.
Mosey back to the flag and chained together some burpees.
Since Stu mentioned that this was financial education week, I decided to give the PAX a “dividend” of one minute, ending Mary at the flag at 6:14.
Announcements to help plan and coordinate the upcoming convergence held at Norseman on May 7th. Also, Pepper shared a family friend battling for her life, in a coma from alcohol abuse. Prayers for a miracle for Kathy’s recovery.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
This time was helpful because it taught me that Q’ing a workout doesn’t need to be complicated or impressive. I came up with the BD pretty simply the night before and made up a little bit along the way. Posting regularly and seeing what other PAX do helps a lot. But it is still remarkable how insecure you can be in the process. Even during the workout, I found myself questioning whether PAX liked the workout or not, whether I was doing a good job, etc. But in the end, it’s pretty easy to pull off and everyone is encouraging. Watching Stu and Ha-Ha lead so well, so frequently, makes it easy to learn how to Q.