The first ever HPRUM
AO: The Wreck
When: 04/08/2022
QIC: Rooney- timlonergan
PAX (5): aflac, Blue, Matt Shields-Norm, Sell-out
Open Q sheet, I had an idea, so I went for it. A few hours later, I almost didn’t come… I was looking for every excuse, but because you guys are reliable and dependable, I figured I should be the same.
5:29, people were probably wondering where this Q guy is… have no fear, we don’t start until 5:30.
We ran to the football field, grabbing a coupon on the way- stretch what you need. Our mile of running consisted of everything except for a forward jog- high knees/heels, shuffle high, cornerback backward run, grapevine low, leaps and bounds forward and backward, followed by a sprint. Ten count was necessary after the “warm up”
The Thang:
You know the drill, so do the opposite
A famous man once said— to every front there is a back and to every right there is a left.
so i figure we should challenge the opposite muscle group to keep our joints BALANCED
100 side planks with leg lifts
200 snikrem
300 bilateral RDLS
It is only therapeutic to not overuse so we slightly modified muscle groups
100 front planks with leg lifts
200 supermans
300 unilateral rdls working that BALANCE
do what you want with your coupon while walking but do something
back right on time
None spoken
A fun time was had by all.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Thank you for pushing me to even show up without even pushing me to show up. Grateful for y’all’s accountability to my health and wellbeing.
My encouragement to all was to stick with the theme of being BALANCED, prioritize effectively, and value what is most valuable. In that vein, let’s engage well today (and everyday). When we interact/ intentionally encounter people, let’s connect by listening well with eye contact and an open heart— to serve them well and truly be present. Let’s press on toward the goal…