My momma said I was special…
AO: The Wreck
When: 03/18/2022
QIC: Meltdown
PAX (18): aflac, Backside, Bear, Blue, Boomstick, Catheter, Cliff - Chris Noto, corky, Juul, Matt Shields-Norm, Meltdown, MillerTime, Moonshine, rip, Rooney- timlonergan, Tadpole (Tadpole (Jeremy Johnson)), Tubbs, Yankee
Spring break is 2 weeks away! Time to prep for that beach bod.
Moseyed to the football field for the following:
toy soldiers 15x
weed picker: 15x
hill Billy : 15x
michael Phelps: 15 count
on your own additional leg stretch
The Thang:
Did a mini spartan today with 10 50 yd sprints and 10 merkins after each sprint. There was a question on the total number we did so added one for good luck.
next, moseyed over to the playground where we grabbed a coupon and partnered up for the following:
partner 1: 30 curls, 30 OHP
partner 2: big boys
once each pax had their time with the coupon, each pair would lunge around the playground. We did this 3 times. Next we moved to:
partner 1: 30 incline merkins, 30 skull crushers
partner 2: plank or shoulder taps
After almost 1 round through had to return the coupons and bag to the flag where Moonshine called out writing the alphabet with our feet. Time called before we could finish.
NLB cookout and BD this Saturday, and the NLB race is 3/26 (dirty spokes race) for those interested.
also continued prayers for Ukraine.
note: if you get more than one coffee cup Blue WILL call you on it. Hence the title of today’s BB.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Enjoyed it this morning.