AO: AlphaRuck

When: 02/18/2022

QIC: Zohan

PAX (3): Hitchcock, Speedo, Zohan

The Thang:

Our discussion today was about the DRP – Daily Red Pill

This is the commitment we need to make every day to accelerate in our lives, not just in fitness but in any aspect – being a husband, a father, a man of faith, an employee, a friend

We started the discussion on the differences between an Amateur and a Pro. This isn’t a question of skill, but of attitude. An Amateur’s focus is on looking the part and he’ll do so when he can. A Pro focuses on the process of improvement. You might be a beginner when it comes to a certain skill, but if you are intentional about improving then that makes you a Pro. Each of us mentioned areas in our lives we can and should be more intentional about. Faith, Family and Work were brought up.

We also talked about changing from a Sad Clown to a HIM and how that may require a Disruptor. Someone who comes along in your life and shows you a different way. First we mentioned people who impacted us and disrupted our lives, then we talked about our own role as disruptor in the lives of others. Some of these relationships are long term, people we knew for years. Some occur in a professional setting. Others are chance encounters that happen to leave an impact on us. People who impacted our lives may not even know they did that and similarly – we may not always realize the impact we’re having on other people lives. Therefore I urge you to consider every engagement you have with people to be one with the power to transform their lives.

Our next topic was about Habits and Guardrails vs. Choices. We don’t like it when other people take away our freedom, our ability to make choices for ourselves but we have the power to take our own choices away from us and for a good reason. If every morning I need to choose if I want to work out today or not, sometimes I will and sometimes I won’t. I would subject myself to my shifting moods. By making it a habit to work out (doesn’t have to be daily, just regularly) I can protect myself from mood swings. We can build habits around every aspect of our lives – regular date nights with the M, regular calls to our parents or launch meetings with friends, working under a personal budget, doing meal planning, dedicating time to take professional courses. A good point was raised about evaluating your habits every so often. As we age and as circumstances change around us, habits that served us yesterday may need to be adjusted today.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

It was a really good discussion today, despite the strong winds. I owe much to F3 for instilling in me the concept of the DRP. I might not be a Pro in every aspect of my life, but I’m aware of it and working on it.

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