Wednesday Coupon Work
AO: The Wreck
When: 02/16/2022
QIC: Juul
PAX (18): aflac, Backside, Blue, Cutie, Donor, Doogie, Matt Shields-Norm, McAfee, Meltdown, Moonshine, rip, Rooney- timlonergan, Sell-out, Switch, Tubbs, Damselindistress, Tadpole
Many more showed up on a Wednesday than I expected, which is good! A quick heads up to the FNG on what was coming, and we got started.
Mosey to the football field parking lot for some:
- 15x SSH’s
- 15X Weedpickers
- 15x Toy soldiers
Mosey over to the creek to pick up a coupon.
The Thang:
Everyone lines up on the goal line with your coupon. Riffle carry your coupon to the 10 yard line and do exercise x1. Without ever setting down your coupon – Riffle carry to the 20 yard line and do exercise x2…. 30 yard line exercise x3… all the way to the other goal line. Set down the coupon and run back to the far goal line. 50x SSH’s and then run back to the goal line where you your coupon. Rinse and repeat
- V-ups
- American hammers
- Skull crushers
- Squats with a halo
- Big boy’s
Return coupons and mosey back to the flag. Time called.
Welcome FNG Tadpole!
Prayers for all the craziness in our world, and specifically for our leaders that make decisions that have big impact.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
I always appreciate getting out there with you guys, even if I’m quiet. F3 has become a core component of my life. Keep inviting new guys. The one thing that I think all guys have in common are most are just waiting around to be invited to something. You just need to make the decision to be the one to invite.