
AO: Firehouse

When: 02/01/2022

QIC: who

PAX (12): Ace Ventura, CATFISH, Dunshire, Janeway, LifeLock, Lightweight, Pickle Pounder, Sirmixalot, Suarez, who, Zuckerberg, Glitter


Small slow mosey

SSH, Good Mornings, WeedPickers, Imperial Walkers all IC

Any other stretching warm-upas as needed individually

PAX grabbed a coupon and met back at the flag

The Thang:

Start with 25 reps of each exercise with coupon: skull crushers, overhead press, curls, then merkins. Decrease reps to 20, repeat the set, then to 15, then 10, then 5. As PAX finish the last set, they mary to wait for the 6.

PAX then take a long mosey and hold a plank for the 6 back at the flag.

Start back with 25 reps of the following exercises: upright rows, squats, romanian deadlifts, and lbc’s. As before, reduce reps by 5 and repeat the set…wash, rinse, repeat down to 5, then mary to wait for the 6.

PAX take another long mosey before returning the coupons and gathering up at the bottom.

Burpee trio ensued where pax complete 3 burpees, then run up the paved hill and back down, then 2 burpees and run up/down, then one final burpee and back up to the top.

Remaining 6 minutes of mary.


Announcement of April 9 hosting the NLB with focus on possible conflicts of PAXs Spring Break plans.


MOC: The importance of identifying and attending to love languages in marriage.


Intro’d FNG: Glitter

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