A Bear and a Wolverine walk into a bar….
AO: Grindstone
When: 12/27/2021
QIC: Valley Girl
PAX (12): Deuce, Devito, Ha-ha, Inseam, Knozit, Mr. Hand, Napalm, Olaf, Schneider, Snowman, Stu, Valley Girl
2 days post Christmas, lots of cookies and egg nog to burn off! For my last Q of the year, wanted to share some of my favorites.
After a pre run with an impressive 10 PAX, we took a short mosey to the end of the parking lot for some Warm-o-Rama.
Weed Pickers, WMH, Good Mornings, Sun Gods and Michael Phelps. Saving the SSH for the first Thang.
The Thang:
Grabbed a Coupon and headed for the football field. As much as I hate BearPees, I’ve been wanting to introduce the BearVerine. It was everything I hoped it would be.
Thang 1: Bear crawl to the 10 yd line, do 1 wolverine, bearcrawl back to the goal line and do 10 SSH. Do it again but do 2 wolverines and 20 SSH. Three more rounds for 3-30, 4-40, 5-50.
15 wolverines and 150 SSH with 100 yards of bear crawl.
Thang 2: Brought out the board with 8 pairs of exercises. For each pair, do 21 reps(for 2021) of the first exercise, run 100 yds to the other goal line and perform 22 reps(for 2022) of the 2nd exercise. Run back and do the next pair. 8 rounds.
Merkins—Heels to Heaven
Thrusters—Carolina Dry Docks
Reverse LBC—LL Cool J
Bonnie Blairs—Wide Merkins
KettleBell Swings—Low Plank Leg Raises
Diamond Merkins—Freddy Mercury’s
Overhead Press—Squats
Thang 3: 4 minutes remaining, circled up and played “turned down for what” by DJ Snake and Lil John. Al Gore for the entire song except when he says TDFW you do a burpee. 15-20 burpees, not sure.
Deuce shared a good story about John Madden he heard over the weekend. How he stopped coaching very early in his career because he could tell he was not being the father he needed to be.
Stu mentioned Thursday it’s bring your dog BD at the Norseman. Ideally it would be 2 PAX to each dog. Look for more details on Slack.
Great to see Devito come up for a Grindstone beat down and also Knozit from South Carolina.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Enjoyed my last Q of the year. I’ve only been in F3 since August, and can’t wait for what 2022 holds not just for me but for all the brothers out there making themselves better everyday. AYE!