Pre-B Day BD
AO: The Wreck
When: 12/06/2021
QIC: Squeegee
PAX (14): aflac, Bear, Bieber, Catheter, Donor, Echo, Foley, Juul, Matt Shields-Norm, Meltdown, Sell-out, Switch, Tinker
I saw the look of disappointment on Aflac and Bieber when they saw I didn’t forget(again) about my Q. I’m sure they had already planned the witty comments and couldn’t wait to unleash them while I was cozy in bed. To their surprise, I was there and I wasn’t making up the BD on the spot.
Mosey up the the upper parking lot for disclaimer and a quick round of warm ups. With the Dawgs lose on Saturday, instructed everyone to find a partner because no Dawg fan should be left alone at this time.
The Thang:
Mosey to the gym parking lot. Partner A runs one way around the gym loop and meets up with partner B halfway. The partners do 10 Brokins and then meet up again back at the starting spot to do 10 Bropees. 4X
Mary for the six and then mosey to the football fields.
Stayed in partners and did:
- 10 Plank partner Merkins
- 15 Russian getups
- 30 Partner big boys
- 40 Leg throws (each partner)
- 50 Fire hydrants(25 each leg)
Sell-out brought an FNG(Tinker) who was a man of many talents. Glad to have him.
Santa Ruck on Saturday and continues prayers for WR and his family.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
I count this group as one of my great blessing in life. Happy to be a part of it.