Those bunnies are a full body workout!

AO: Starting Line

When: 11/10/2021

QIC: Valley Girl

PAX (7): Ace Ventura, Dunshire, Script Kiddie, Sirmixalot, Suarez, Valley Girl, FNG @TED Talk


I’m honored to be the Q at a location I haven’t been to!  Thanks to @Script Kiddie and the usuals for welcoming me.  Not a cold morning, but most time was spent in the wet grass, so that’s always nice.  3 PAX there for a prerun while YHC set up the cones, cinders, speaker and whiteboard.


We mosey’d over to the dark parking lot next to the park for some Weed Pickers, WMH, SSH, Good Mornings and Sun Gods.  Mosey back to the other side of the field where 7 cinders sat patiently waiting.

The Thang:

I had 3 Thangs ready to roll on the whiteboard.  We didn’t even get halfway through the 2nd Thang!  Usually time goes slow but this morning it flew by.

Thang 1:  Murder bunnies for 20 yds, 10 merkins, 10 BBSU, run a lap around park, murder bunnie return, 6 burpees jumping over cinder for each one.  Rinse and repeat.   Set the timer for 15 minutes.  Those bunnies are a full body workout.

Thang 2: Set the 90’s playlist on shuffle. Partner up, 5 song Dora.   25 yd length
Song 1: Farmers carry with 2 cinders / Squats
Song 2: Rifle carry / Cinder Curls
Song 3: Carry of your choice / Overhead press
We had an FNG who had to leave right at 6:10.  Apparently he had been to a workout before but didn’t have an F3 name yet? So we modified & named the FNG as we did overhead presses. Welcome @TED Talk!

With time running out, we had to skip the karaoke, kettlebell swings, running & wonderbra for songs 4 and 5.    Next time!

YHC pulled out the F3 card deck and we finished with 5 minutes pulling from the deck.
15 Merkins, 14 Carolina dry docks, 18 WWII sit ups, 14 Heels to Heaven, and burpees as 6:15 hit.


Great acceleration point from Script Kiddie on the power of 1%, little changes we can make, good habits we can build to chip away at being the best you can be.   Reference Atomic Habits by James Clear.

Prayers out to Dunshires 2 kids approaching surgeries this January.  Ace Ventura’s mom preparing for surgery.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

I am 4 months into F3 and loving it, and the ability to Q at a new location is a great feeling. Thanks Script Kiddie for the work in starting and building up the Starting Line AO.  The BD was not as difficult as I wanted, will definitely change a few things for next time to get the hard stuff up front!

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