Orange you glad we didn’t do burpees?

AO: The Gladiator

When: 03/16/2021

QIC: Speedo

PAX (12): Bunyan, Brownie, Tebow, Bo Knows, Zuul (R), Shiner, Dreamer, Laces, Scratch Off, Snow Bird (RR), Cheneral


Chance of rain per the weather channel – 90%

Actual rain – 0%

Chance of burpees per Speedo – 20%

Actual burpees – subject to interpretation

YHC asked Tebow to plant the flags deep to avoid messing up the burpee plan for the morning which he thoughtfully did.

Disclaimer was given at 0529 and we….were……..let’s………..mosey


Ran reverse NASCAR style around the parking lot down to the road and over to the opposite side of the rec center for:

SSH in cadence x 15

Windmills in cadence x15

Good mornings OYO x15 (Shiner did 30…must have figured out how to do these alpha count)

The Thang:

At the rec center wall, had the PAX face away from the wall and instructed we would do 5 donkey kicks on my call and then hold our feet to the wall after the 5th kick.  We held there for ~5 seconds then YHC allowed us to drop.  Repeated with 10 kicks and hold for ~10 seconds.  Repeated with 15 kicks and hold for ~15 seconds.  Grunts and groans abounded and YHC decided to give them me a break and move on to the next fun.

Since YHC promised only a 20% chance of burpees, we tried a variation called a Clurpee…a burpee with a clap merkin…5 oyo.  So not technically a burpee so still no burpees performed.

We headed toward the back hill speed hump where we partnered up for a Lazy Dora (i.e. a Dora with no running).  P1 did 10 merkins while P2 planked then flap jack for a total of 100 merkins.  Next P1 did 20 LBCs while P2 held 6 inches then switch for a total of 200.  Lastly, P1 does 30 squats while P2 holds air chair then switch for a total of 300.  Sometime during the squats a car came down the hill and the driver was a bit surprised to find a dozen men standing in the road performing various levels of squats.

Once done we moseyed with our noodle legs up the hill where we completed 5 more clurpees OYO.  Burpee count still zero.

We headed back down the hill. On the way, we saw a random orange (as in the fruit) laying in the road which gave many of the PAX something to talk about on the way to the pitch and gave YHC inspiration for the backblast title.

A few spats broke out between partners in the Lazy Dora so YHC asked the PAX to find a different partner.  On the end line P1 starts bear crawling down the field while P2 does 10 monkey humpers, 10 BBSUs and 10 Carolina Dry Docks (Stone Mountains) then runs to catch P1 where they switch.  YHC bear crawled first and was past mid-field and had yet to see my partner.  When I finally found him he was AHEAD of me which I still can’t figure out how that happened.  We got it figured out and once everyone was on the far end line we rinsed and repeated with crab walks instead of bear crawls.

We moseyed to the hill near the flags and did some 7’s with diamond merkins at the bottom and regular merkins at the top.  Once everyone was done we did another round of 5 clurpees OYO to keep the burpee count at zero.  Mosey to the flag for assorted mary by at least 6 PAX wrapping up with J-Lo’s by Scratch Off who was uncomfortably excited about being called on by YHC.




PAX reminded of blood drive on Friday, March 26 from 10-3.  Check the General Slack channel for details.  Let’s fill up the list to donate and save lives.

Prayers for neighbors whose two teenagers just diagnosed with hereditary heart disease.  Prayers for Wicka and Spandex recovery and for the health and the nut jobs doing the Hill Seeker challenge this coming weekend.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thanks for following my lead and not abandoning the ship during the donkey kicks.

–Speedo out

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