No Alpha Count (in honor of International Women’s Day)

AO: The Norseman

When: 03/09/2021

QIC: Striper

PAX (18): Nacho Libre, FNG (Ski Bunny), TMI, Duke, Walkie-Talkie, Hot Sauce, Birdie, Pumba, Dr. Rico, Blistex, Ha-Ha, Delta, Crikey, Jethro, White Claw, St. 2-0, Striper


March is in full swing…37 degree mornings and 70 degree afternoons. And what a morning it was for my VQ with 17 of my closest friends on the heels of international women’s day.


After the usual pleasantries, we moseyed over to the warm up spot for the following:


Weed pickers

Windmills (little ones, enough is enough)

The Thang:

It was a challenge to come up with a workout routine that would not kill the Q (me) and also challenge the purists in our AO (not me). I shopped the Exicon for a balanced plan and made some notes on my “Weinke”. Pardon the mental images.

The PAX grabbed a rock from the drain pit and we headed to the goal line on the football field.

Here’s the order of the beat down:

Sequence: Murder Bunnies to the 10 yard line, at each 10 yard line complete exercise from list below – reps are the total of yards you have progressed down the field, leave rock and mosey back to the goal line, do 1 Burpee for every 10 yards you have progressed, mosey back to your rock and murder some more bunnies.


  1. 10 Gravediggers
  2. 20 American Hammers
  3. 30 Curls for Gurls
  4. 40 Upright Rows
  5. 50 second Bear Hold
  6. 60 Squats w/ rock
  7. 70 Calve Raises w/ rock
  8. 80 High Knees w/ rock
  9. 90 Mountain Climbers
  10. Cusack w/ rock 100 yards back to goal line


We dropped our rocks off and went to the hill by the end zone. Here we honored our socialist brethren with a set of “Bernie Sanders” – down the hill running forward, up the hill running (walking) backwards.

That warranted a short walk/run back to the flag where we still had a few minutes to spare. Waste-not want-not. We wrapped up with a popcorn finale with Pumba, Jethro, and White Claw leading us through a set of Box Cutters, Freddie Mercurys, and Lindsay Lohans (a.k.a. J-Los).


Striper announced the Men’s Lowcountry Boil and Crawfish Boil hosted by First Baptist Church Alpharetta on May 16 (around 5PM start).

Blistex announced the next Q Source discussion this weekend (Sunday night) around “Most Important Relationship In Your Life”

Naked-Man Moleskin:

We had a FNG this morning – no mercy, settled on Ski Bunny for his F3 name.

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