Super 21 Rubicon style
AO: The Rubicon
When: 06/25/2020
QIC: lumbergh
PAX (14): Cookie, Lefty, Pellets, Devito, Miller Time (1/2 credit), Flo, Heidi, White Claw, Pinky, Trebek, Isner, Focker, Pinkey
8 regulars and non regular PAX arrived by 5:30 for a prerun. 1 FLO arrived at 5:30 for a beatdown and found himself in a prerun.
A few others join the runners and we mosey to the flag pole for warm up. SSH, IW, circles, covids, and mountain climbers
The Thang:
Head over to the planters for todays workout of Super 21. f3 Exercisicon has Super 21 defined as merkins and sit ups starting at 1 rep each and going all the way to 21 while breaking up the groups with some run or other exercises. I knew Rubicon could push for more so our breakdown is:
Some form of merkin
Squat Jumps
“You know how many reps that is??” Yes, Yes I do.
1 through 5 reps of each followed by a run to the three statues that I think were built to honor the founders of Thundermeat. No issues or complaints.
6 through 10 changes merkins to diamonds on evens, wide arm on odds
11 through 14 has derkins and uerkins
Miller Time walks away. Q wonders if he has gone too far. (Fixed)
15 through 17 has merkins, offset left and offset right. Squat jumps are creating more chatter (Again, Rubicon yearns for more than regular squats)
18 and 19 back to derkins and uerkins. Focker says fock this
Because I didn’t want to be accused of missing a Devito favorite 20 switches to burpees. 21 is merkins.
Most are into 21 when we call it to head back to the flag nearly on time.
210 reps for those that got through 20, 231 for the few that got through 21.
Prayers for Devitos family as his parents and brother prepares to move in July.
Prayers for Sprockets brother in NC
A refresher TNT on the influence effect. Choosing the people around you to become the average of those people and influence you in key aspects like health, success, fitness, and spirit. Monitor and find the sources online that may be overly affecting you.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Always a pleasure to lead.