Back in the Saddle
AO: The Storm
When: 06/18/2020
QIC: Whiz
PAX (6): Whiz, Inseam, Swiper, Thumper, Dumpster, FNG - Emeril
Injury and COVID-19 kept YHC away for over 3 months and today was finally the day to get back out in the gloom. After being gladly baited into taking the Q also, I was anxious to get back on the suck-wagon and jump back in. Getting an HC from an FNG the night before made it all the sweeter.
With the new later start time, YHC wanted to get to the top of the parking deck for the sunrise ASAP so we did Bernie Sanders up each ramp and DB drills on the flats in between until we made it to the roof. Despite claims to the contrary from Swiper, there would yet be an actual warmup.
Circle up on the roof for a rusty disclaimer and some SSH, weed pickers, hillbillies, sprinklers, and moroccan nightclubs, all IC.
The Thang:
YHC was in desperate need of a solid BD and wanted to be sure to leave no quarter for any weakness build-up that may have accumulated from my long absence. No better way to shake-off the dust than with a Burpee Apocalypse to get the blood flowing.
Start with 11 burpees and decrease by 1 each round with a 5 second rest in between sets. Mission accomplished.
Mosey down the stairwell and out to the side parking lot for some 4(core) corners:
Corner 1 – 10 BBSU, Corner 2 – 15 crunchy frog, Corner 3 – 20 flutters (alpha count), Corner 4 – 25 LBC. Lunge walk the lengths, bear crawl the widths
Next up was a mucho chesto mile(ish) around the townhouses behind the green with stops for 10 regular, 10 wide, 10 ranger, 10 diamond merkins
Head over to the front office door to the condos for some Lt. Dan action. 1:4 ratio of Bonnie Blair to Squats up to 10:40
No time for mary and ended right on the dot.
Prayers for healthy families, safe travels over the holidays, and more love at a time we desperately need it for each other. Prayers also for Thumper’s wife and first unborn child for safety, proper development, and a successful delivery in the coming weeks.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Felt so good to be back…my life is markedly less fulfilling without F3 and all it offers.