Too many driveways
AO: The Widowmaker
When: 06/13/2020
QIC: Zohan
PAX (12): Cookie, Miller Time, Nacho Libre, Birdie, Speedo, Dosido, White Claw, Pinkey, Legos, Lefty, Ha-Ha, Zohan
Mosey to the cul de sac outside of the park for SSH, Windmills, Hill Billies and Plank Jacks. Added 40 OYO Merkins on the curbside: 10 Erkins, 10 Merkins with left hand and foot on the curb, 10 Derkins and 10 Merkins with right hand and foot on the curb.
The Thang:
We moseyed to the entrance of a nearby neighborhood where YHC explained the drill – We’ll be running toward a cul de sac that connects to one of the trails in the park. Along the not-to-long way we’ll do 5 Burpees every time we pass a driveway to the left, and 10 Gas Pampers or 10 Freddy Mercury (alpha count), alternating, when we pass a driveway to the right.
If YHC counted houses correctly with google maps, it should be about 12×5 Burpees, 9×10 Gas Pampers and 9×10 Freddy Mercuries. YHC decided the mumble chatter about the length of the neighborhood was another way to say ‘thank you for the pain’.
The gazelles led some Dollies for the 6 and we went down the path back to the park. YHC called an Indian Run going toward the pavilion and steps near the soccer field. Nacho Libre run the uphill as if it was a downhill, leaving dust for YHC behind him. That was very much inspiring!
At the Pavilion YHC led 30 Step Ups IC, switching leading leg in the middle. That was the warmup for the next part – Double 11s. Starting with 10 Dips and 10 Makhtar N’diayes in the pavilion and 1 Donkey Kick and 1 Jump Squat at the bottom of the stairs.
We had just enough time for a quick Dora with coupons – 150 of each, Curls, Shoulder Presses and Skull Crushers while your partner runs from the pavilion to the public restrooms and back. Most PAX were one last round from finishing when, alas, YHC had to call time and stop the fun.
At that time we met White Claw that missed us when we started and run loops in the park looking for us.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
It was good seeing Sculley again for the pre-Ruck!