Tyson Recylcer
AO: The Wreck
When: 06/10/2020
QIC: Grease Monkey
PAX (16): SmackDown, Bear, Juul, Sellout, White Claw, Squeak, Squeegee, Aflac, Tubbs, Switch, Khakis, Rooney, Deadbeat, Windex, Norm
Been a while since having Q’d at the Wreck given recent circumstances and coming off a couple tough Qs, including our 3 year anniversary, I decided to pull an old favorite out from the archives. Good thing about having 3 years of Qs in the books; no need to get creative. Everything is new to somebody. Case in point – Juul had never visited the Stupid Wall.
Around the dark side of the Wreck we moseyed to the school parking lot for some SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Weed Pickers and Mountain Climbers.
The Thang:
Short mosey across a few puddles over to GSW for a couple rounds:
- Wall assisted pistols – 15 each leg
- Balls to Wall alternating shoulder taps x 15
- Big Boys – feet on wall x 15
- Rinse & Repeat
From there we navigated a new path through the woods and around the field back to the football field parking lot. Will await the poison ivy report in a few days. PAX together we headed to the LAX field for some Tyson 11s:
- Mike Tyson x1
- Bear crawl to hash mark
- Jump squat x 10
- Crab Walk back
- Repeato adding always adding to 11: 2/9, 3/8… you get it
With mumble chatter coming to an almost complete halt, YHC was reassured that Tyson never fails to disappoint.
A few rounds of Mary as we waited for the 6.
With a few minutes to spare I figured we’d clear up one last thing. White Claw had inquired about some inverted handstand merkins having seen evidence of a failed late night attempt surrounding some Thundermeat shenanigans. Let’s just say I was tired. So we grabbed a spot on the bathroom building wall for 10 of ’em on your own.
We moseyed back to the flag with just enough time for a couple rounds of Mary.
Hogwallow tomorrow
Two options Friday: 0530 Wreck; 0630 Brimstone. Pick your poison.
Little coffeeteria after.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Thankful for the opportunity to Q and the friendship and support of this group.