I Can’t Feel My Legs!
AO: The Wreck
When: 06/08/2020
QIC: Cookie @blunsford4
PAX (14): Aflac, Bear, Squeegee, G-Monkey, Sell-out, Turbine, Foley, Juul, Rooney, Smackdown, Tubbs, One-Call, Raider
It had been a full year since YHC had made a visit to the Wreck, the last time being the 2 year anniversary of the launch. Having just missed the 3 year anniversary last week, YHC was excited to finally be back. The weather was a balmy 70 degrees and humid. It made for great Alpha lion sweat angels during Mary. After a quick disclaimer, 14 PAX set off into the Gloom.
Mosey up the hill to the main building parking lot for:
- 21’s
- this routine is great for large groups and is always fun to test the PAX’s cognitive skills at 5:30am
- Q counts SSH in cadence to 5, then the PAX have to count silently to 21 and halt at the right moment
- after some mumblechatter distraction during the 1st attempt, YHC miscounted and halted too soon (that’s my excuse, at least)
- the PAX paid a toll of 3 burpees for all indiscretions
- the 3rd attempt was nearly executed flawlessly, but Turbine tanked on purpose in order to subject the PAX to more burpees (what a HIM he his!)
- Imperial Walker
- Weedpicker
The Thang:
After a mosey back down the hill to the turf parking lot, it was at this time that YHC informed the PAX that we would be doing a circuit of 1:4 Ratio pain stations. We moseyed around the park and found 5 destinations for the following:
- Lt Dan – 1:4 ratio of Squat and Lunge (10:40)
- Captain Thor – 1:4 ratio of Big Boy Situps and American Hammer (10:40)
- Bonnie Burps – 1:4 ratio of Burpee to Bonnie Blairs (8:32)
- Donkey Dans – 1:4 ratio of Merkins and wall Donkey Kicks (5:20)
- Jack Webb – 1:4 ratio of Merkins to Air Press (8:32)
Time running out on us, we took an Indian Run mosey back toward the flag stopping for DB drills in the empty parking lot, then back to the flag for 3 MOM, including Flutterkicks & Freddie Mercury.
It was great to be back and bring some new exercises with me this time. The Wreck has been fun to watch explode in growth the past 3 years. It has everything to do with the solid leadership of guys like Bear, I-Beam, Aflac, Squeegee, G-Monkey & more. Something about it is just different than most other AO’s….. something in a very good way. The PAX seem to be very good friends, and I often see lots of good banter on Slack. They seem to find ways to gather for 2nd F, whether that is coffeeteria or happy hour beers. The bond they have with each other is how F3 can and should be in my opinion. Kudos for having a great AO!
Honored to lead today!