2 Count
AO: The Wreck
When: 06/03/2020
QIC: SmackDown
PAX (19): FNG-Kevin, Juul, Tubbs, FNG-Kelly, FNG-Jerry, Grease Monkey, Norm, Turbine, Cutie, Rooney, Sell Out, I-Beam, Circus, Squeegee, Aflac, Bronco, Miller Time & Bear
After Monday’s Aflac takeover I thought it necessary to formally sign up for the Q today. Shoutout to Aflac for calling out a bunch of pre-COVID regulars. Even better, 16 of them showed along with three FNG’s. Any EH (emotional headlock) questions should be directed to Juul, all three FNG’s were his.
Mosey to the parking lot adjacent to the football field for some of the usual suspects: SSH, Imperial Walker, Toy Solider, Abe Vigoda & more SSH.
The Thang:
Mosey to retaining wall for a SmackDown favorite:
Aiken Legs
– 25 Squats
– 25 Box Jumps
– 25 Step Ups (each Leg)
– 25 Bonnie Blairs
– Mary for the Six (It was me, I was the Six)
Mosey to football field
Jack Webb’s
– 1 Merkin : 4 Air presses. Pax completed reps to 10 Merkins : 40 Air Presses
– This only works if I-Beam calls the cadence
Line up on sideline for Burpee Broad Jump
– Pax starts with a burpee, but ends with a broad jump in place of jumping straight up.
– Rinse and repeat until PAX reaches opposite sideline
– Lunge back to starting point
Circle-up at 50 yard line for a double shot of Benjamins:
– 25 Pickle Pushers
– 25 Brid Dogs (2 count)
– 25 Groiners
– 25 Shoulder Taps (2 count)
Q was gassed at this point and might have complicated the explanation of 2 count. Luckily for YHC, there were plenty of experienced PAX in attendance to let me know of the miscommunication and offer their explanation. Pretty much everyone, but the FNG’s… good to be back!
Second Round of Benjamins followed a thorough explanation and demonstration of 2 count.
– 25 LBC’s
– 25 Heel Touches (2 Count)
– 25 Sweat Angels
– 25 Dying Cockroach (2 Count)
Mosey to the flag for some PAX lead Mary:
– Kobe’s
– Diamond Merkins
Please keep Squeegee’s family in your thoughts and prayers.
The Wreck’s 3 Year Anniversary is Friday. BD will be 60 minutes with Squeegee and company on the Q.
Thundermeat Productions’ Hillseeker Challenge is finalizing teams. If you are interested sign up asap today (June 3). Competition starts June 18.
Welcome Ramen, Melt Down & One Call
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Monday was my first early A.M. beatdown since before we quarantined. It feels good to get up before the sun again. It feels good to be around this group and soak up the energy. It feels familiar, and that is the feeling that has been missing since we quarantined. Current events are obvious, and so much of the future is up-in-the-air, at least for our family, so familiar is good. Really good.
Always a pleasure to lead,