Stroll with Stroller
AO: The Gladiator
When: 11/21/2019
QIC: Stroller (@f3_stroller)
PAX (12): Cheneral, Saint2O, Scrum, Postal, Scratch Off, Brownie, Delicious, Mufasa, Laces, Speedo, Spandex, Stroller
Between travel and training for a 30k, Stroller sightings at the Gladiator have been rare recently. The Q Sheet (which never lies) says that it’s been nearly 3 months since I’ve Q’d. YHC wanted to come back strong on this Q, but lacked inspiration. With a vague plan in place, I figured I would adjust as we went on. Wouldn’t be the first time.
3 pre-runners rolled back in to find a few dedicated PAX ready for the DRP. At 0515, the disclaimer was given and we moseyed toward the upper East parking lot.
Circle up for the following:
- Weed Pickers
- Copperhead Squats
- Mountain Climbers (warm-up cadence)
- Mercans
- Plank Jacks
The Thang:
The plan for today was to keep the PAX moving. We started with a Mercan Mile around the library loop. 5 stops for 20 each of: Regular, Stagger 1 side, Wide, Stagger other side, and finish at the West entrance with Diamonds.
Initial plan was to run the same loop for a BOMBS Mile, but a different idea struck YHC as a 10-count was given. On your six for Captain Thor. 1 Big Boy Sit-up, 4 American Hammers; 2 Big Boys, 8 American Hammers, all the way up to 10 and 40.
I learned it doesn’t help the PAX when you inform them that round 7 is the halfway point. Or maybe it does help since the PAX spend the next round trying to calculate that out instead of focusing on the pain.
I also learned this is a dangerous one to Q when you’ve been to 3 beatdowns in the past month.
The BOMBS mile got shortened to a trip along the road through the park with 5 stops for 10-20-30-40-50 Burpees, Overhead Claps, Mercans, Big Boys, and Squats. We also took a break in the middle for a round of Up Straddle Hops (12x each leg).
Slow Indian Run back to the flag.
Spandex informed YHC that the flag was down when we got back. 13 Burpees were paid as a penalty. Mary consisted of quick rounds of J-Los and Freddy Mercurys, and that was all. Recover
2nd F tonight at Loyal Q
Prayers for Hitchock’s son, Spandex’s sister, and all Ms currently expecting
Naked-Man Moleskin:
I’ve missed this group a lot but I am so thankful for the people who reach out and check in, and the ability to keep up with everyone’s antics on Slack. It’s a huge boost when I’m lonely on the road. Incredibly grateful to be a part of this community. It’s great to be back!
Thanks for allowing me to lead!