Chasing the Bear v 2.0
AO: The Shadow
When: 09/14/2019
QIC: Leon
PAX (10): Leon, Dorian, Godfather (F3 Charlotte), Manhole, Mr. Clean, Hatchet, Ricochet, Madoff, Suds, Radar
Heavy rain the night before, provided a cooler, but still somewhat humid morning for 10 of the Shadow’s faithful. Had we known CIA was trapped inside his house/garage, we would’ve come to his rescue him and keep his record attendance alive.
SSH, Windmills, Low Slow Squats, Mary Katherine’s, Stone Mtns, Mtn Climbers, Markens IC x 20
Rinse and Repeat IC x 10
The Thang:
Mosey out the back of Austin and circle up for 5 8-ct body builders. From there Cherokee Run with 5 merkins off the back out of Holly Bank Circle to Lower Parking Lot at Dunwoody Nature center. Pax reveled in the fact that Seles, Fireballs, CIA weren’t there to speed up the Cherokee pace.
Circle up for Mary:
IC x 20 Box-cutters, Heels to Heaven, Obliques, Dying Cockroaches and American Hammers
Mosey down to Stumps for 11’s (Steps ups and Dips)
Mosey up to 1st curb for Chase the Bear: (Q was responsible for a bit of confusion on this, so apologies)
Partner up: 1st man 1st curb 5 8-ct body builders, then runs to first curb for 10 squats, second curb for 20 SSH’s, then halfway up the hill to sign for 1 burpee. 2nd man bear crawls 10 reps then warrior lunge 10 reps until partner return back down. Confusion as to when the partner hands off and switches exercises. Its when you are heading “up the hill not when you pass each other. Again, your Q screwed the pooch on this.
Finish at the top.
Cherokee Run (nothing off the back) and back out to Roberts and back into the backside of Austin finishing at the wall.
60 sec PAX count off off Wall Squats and 60 secs of Balls to Wall. Pax were diligent on counting for the B to W’s.
Q didn’t waste anytime with 3 mins left: At platform of Pain, Grateful Dead (sped through this one). Finished with 30 secs Al Gore Tree Huggers
Week 3 of Iron PAX comes out tomorrow and Manhole with Q this next Tuesday, so rest up!
Suds brought us out beautifully.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
BOIL WATER ADVISORY in affect for Dekalb County as of this morning, so no sucking out of the tap today!
Thanks guys! I got the garage repaired and practiced for my Q on October 3rd!