Grease Monkey’s Stupid Wall
AO: The Wreck
When: 09/13/2019
QIC: Grease Monkey
PAX (21): Yankee, GOAT, Swamp Donkey, Squeegee, Scrum, Backside, Windex, Rusty, Moped, Rewind, Double D, Frodo, Bronco, Tubbs, Aflac, Switch, Sprocket, Brutus, Norm, Divot, Grease Monkey
At 0530 we moseyed. Quick lap around the parking lot and off to the darkside of the park for the warmup.
Quick warm-up: SSH, Windmills, Mountain Climbers and Slow Squats.
The Thang:
Next we headed over to the wall, which later I learned was dubbed during some mumble chatter: Grease Monkey’s Stupid Wall. Not quite sure where this originated but first let me defend the usefulness of the wall. It provides plenty of linear feet for dozens of PAX to engage in any number of upper body shenanigans. In fact, you could likely perform an enter BD without leaving said wall. So I challenge the stupid moniker. And how it came into my ownership also not sure, but I’ll accept that. Perhaps I’ll take some efforts to spruce it up a bit; make it more welcoming. Maybe the school will let us add some color or a Grease Monkey logo. We’ll see.
Anyway… we did some 11s on the very useful wall.
1 Bonnie Blair (double count) at the fence
Bear crawl to the wall
10 Handstand merkins on the wall
Crabwalk back to fence
repeat until we made it to 10 BBs and 1 HS Merkin
From there YHC intended to take a little back-door shortcut to the playground, but evidently I didn’t know where I was going. So maybe we got an extra 1/4 mile in. Over to the rock pile and partnered up, grabbing one rock for the team. Over to the playground for a little DORA:
100 Merkins
150 squats with coupon
200 skull crushers
Partner A begins exercise while Partner B runs up the ramp. 5 burpees at the top. back down and 5 pull-ups. Then Switch. Not Blair, just rotate with your partner.
We finished in enough time for a few rounds of Foley (noticeably absent BTW) and then we moseyed (backwards) to the flag. Just enough time for some dying cockroaches and hammers maybe? I don’t recall.
Crazy Love (with a couple Starskys)
Last minute 3rd F opportunity from Rusty. Check Slack for details.
Hogwallow anni on the horizon. As well as the Beer Mile.
Duende is released today
Prayers for Sprocket’s sister’s ongoing treatments and his dad, recently released from the hospital
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Just glad to be part of the gang. Thanks fellas.