9/11 Never Forget
AO: The Hooch
When: 09/11/2019
QIC: Ready-Mix
PAX (10): Ballboy, Meatball, El Matador, Boomer, Sunshine, Popper, Pooh-Bear, Dawn, Animal, Ready-Mix
Started with warm-ups including 11x forward and backward arm-circles, 11x side-straddle-hops, 11x weed-pickers, and 11x hillbillies. Then mosey over to Church Day Entrance stairs for the fun.
The Thang:
Thang 1: Working on a 9/11 theme, we broke up the PAX into groups and did a cumulative 110 reps up/down the stairs with a 30-lb. ruck representing the 110 floors of stairs a firefighter would have had to carry a full load of equipment up to the top of the WTC 18 years ago today. While the men were doing reps, the rest of the troop did a variety of group exercises including Burpies, Alternating Shoulder Taps, Squats, and Gas-Pumpers.
Thang 2: Mosey’d up to the upper parking lot and did 6 reps of partner sprints.
Thang 3: Mosey’d to TT parking lot and did a series of sprints and merkins at parking lot stripes back to the flag.
Finished with Dora rounds of several ab exercises.
Prayers for Animal’s job interview Friday, for Pooh-Bear’s mother in law’s PET scan results coming later this week, for El-Matador’s house to sell quickly (not really!), and for Dawn’s upcoming mission support effort. Hopefully everyone has a good day, and we can keep our memories on those who served and died in 9/11 attacks.