Punches in Bunches
AO: The Galaxy
When: 08/06/2019
QIC: Blue
PAX (9): Sparky, WideRight, Tweaker, SoSoDef, Venus, BabyFaces, Cha-Ching
Disclaimer issued
#ClownCar Confusion sparked a Warm-up in the Parking Lot of 30SSH, 20 WP and 15 Hill-Billy. Mosey clockwise to the steps, and up to the Upper Parking Lot
The Thang:
Sprints to the punching area, a few Burpees just for fun.
Punching with focus pads, 5 min of jab, cross.
Sprints to Ladders area, 3 teams of (roughly) 2.
Icky shuffle, tag the next man. Done 3 times.
Sprints to the punching area, 5 min of jab, cross, hook.
Sprints to Tug of War area, a few Burpees to remind us of “Good morning, sir/mam” to all we encounter.
Tug of War with FireFighter hoses x12, switching off teams of 2.
Sprints to the punching area, 5 min of jab, cross, hook, bob.
Communist Mosey (backwards) with skulls overhead to shovel-flag
Mary to 6:15.
The Galaxy Circle of Trust Announcements
Optional: 7 days left to Order F3Alpha Shirts (F3Nation.com)
IronPAX Challenge: annual event across F3 Nation
1x week for 4 weeks every AO does the same workout
PAX who want to can register and submit scores
See SLACK for details
Upcoming Events:F2 Event: Thanks for WR for Qing cookout
F3 Event: Open for suggestions….
#TaP (Thoughts and Prayers)
Yahtzee 2.0 incoming AUGUST 16
Secret Chick-fil-A and other interviews
Percy 2.0 : Vincent Coen Walker
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Thanks to all the great PAX for putting up with me when I Q!