1:4 = pain
It was good to be back at the Norseman, YHC always enjoys being the 6 every now and then, and the Norseman HIM are sure…
It was good to be back at the Norseman, YHC always enjoys being the 6 every now and then, and the Norseman HIM are sure…
After much hype on Slack, YHC was pumped to get this beatdown rolling! Let’s dive right in.
Another glorious day in the Rubicon gloom. YHC has survived another round of youth soccer tryouts, and is thoroughly proud of Waffles (#11) accomplishing his…
YHC was excited for this mornings beatdown after missing out on last week due to an injury and was even more excited when the head…
With Viking bowing out, someone had to grab the Q so YHC raised his hand as nothing pleases me more than leading men through the…