Disney Hangover Beatdown

AO: The Zoo

When: 05/25/2019

QIC: Olaf

PAX (1): Olaf Only


As I sat in my truck, thinking about the misery of working out for the first time in 9 days due to a Disney vacation. Eagerly I awaited for the other PAX, but they never came. No need to get discouraged, I was jonesing for a beatdown and I have Q, so off  I went into the gloom.


x10 IC SSH

x10 IC Good Morning

x10 IC Imperial Walters

x10 IC SunGods

The Thang:

D-constructed Burpees, descending counts from 10 to 1 rep

I-ron Hulk 1:4 ratio of Merkins to Air Press

S-uicides on the soccer field

N-o Surrender Indian Plank, 5 No Surrenders followed by 30 second plank for 5 sets

E-scalator, Run 20 yards b/t exercises x10 Star Jumps x20 Merkins, x30 squats, x40 lunges, x50 lbc. Took the escalator up and then back down.

Y-okeless Run (sans the coupon) for a 1 mile jog around park.


Murph events on Monday. Pick one and go.

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