Party at the 7 Eleven
AO: Firehouse
When: 05/14/2019
QIC: Reuben
PAX (4): Picker, Skynyrd, Howser, Reuben
YHC pulled into the Firehouse right at 0526. Picker was waiting patiently for some companionship. As we moseyed around the AO top parking with a little karaoke along the way, we circled up for warm up.
YHC started off with the usual:
- Daisy pickers
- Hillbilly
****It was during this time our faithful remaining pax aka Howser and Skynyrd joined the fun. Glad they didn’t stay to wallow in the sooothing embrace of the fartsack.
The Thang:
7 Elevens was our goal this am. Unfortunately with the time we had, 5 total rounds was all we got. Here were the rounds of 11’s we attempted:
Round 1
Hit the playground for knee ups and pull ups. (We started with knee ups on the swing working our core w/ 10 and 1 pull-up. Ending with 10 pull ups and 1 knee up).
Round 2
Mosey over to the cross walk for some coupons. Elf on the shelf and Kettle Bell swings. This took longer than expected. PAX had to carry coupons from one street light to another to alternate exercises. Cusack’s were used with coupons towards end and the pain was rampant.
Round 3
YHC was shocked we were at the 6:00 mark. Man time flies when your having fun. Mosey back to Pavilionseum for some leg work. Box jumps and step ups
Round 4
Hit the stone columns for donkey kicks and monkey humpers.
Round 5
- With less than 10 minutes to go we hit the asphalt and the access road between top and bottom lots for SSH and merkins to complete. Bottom of hill- merkins and top SSH. Bernie Sanders back up hill.
No time for Mary. We ended with a quick COT.
Prayers for Reubens friend’s family after his recent passing
Prayers for Howser and his busy summer with Chemistry class.