11 faithful PAX welcomed Wet Wipes from F3 Blufton in the gloom this AM. YHC was glad to see other humans, as opposed to my last Q! Great to see my friend John Downing (aka Suds) back for more pain, and thanks to CashBox for EH’ing him. *That’s what F3 is all about: “to plant, GRWO and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.”
The PAX: WetWipes, SnakeOil, Fireballs, CIA, Manhole, Suds, Switch, Ricochet, Rambo, Scout, GreenBean
The Thang:
take off sunglasses- return them to your car.
Follow me for a short run up to St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church. Thanks to Manhole for leaving no man behind! Plank for the six. Circle up for:
SSH IC x 10
MCs IC x 10
Low-Slow Squats IC x 10
Merkins IC x 20
rinse and repeat with Merkins x 5.
Partner up: 1 man plank whilst other runs around church to playground and back. (each partner)
next: 1 partner squat whilst other runs (each partner)
Next: line up in parking lot for: Partner carries: carry to other side, run back- repeat with other partner.
Plank- into merkins IC x 5
line up for karaoke facing church, run back, flap jack
Squats IC x 10
line up: bearcrawl to other side (bear run for WetWipes!), run back
next: crabwalk to other side, run back.
Merkins IC x 10.
Follow me back to DHS rock pile/concrete safe-space for:
Stone Mtn. pushups IC x 10
Jump-ups OYO x 10
Military merkins IC x 10
Jump-ups x 10
Diamond push ups x 10
follow me to picnic tables under few remaining trees for:
dips IC x 20
mosey to C.O.T for Mason Twist IC x 30, LBCs IC x 15.
Praise for SnakeOil’s father- successful surgery, recovering well, prayers for Denver shooting victims and famiies. Manhole took us out.