Cinder Track
AO: The Norseman
When: 03/26/2019
QIC: Nacho Libre
PAX (4): Nacho Libre, Haha, Callahan, and Stew
YHC checked the Q sheet last night and the Norseman was in need of a Q. I jumped on it with an idea to hit a track workout. When I pulled up Stew and Callahan were waiting in the parking lot and Haha came in on two wheels with his best Nacho Libre impersonation. Well 5:30 came around and we were off.
Run down the hill for some SSH, Hill Billies, and Squats.
The Thang:
Head over to the track at our local HS. On the way YHC found a pile of cinders! What Luck! Everyone grabbed a cinder and headed to the track.
Drop the cinder and take a lap.
Second lap – 200m farmer carry with the cinder in your right hand. At the 200m mark 15 squats IC. Finish the lap with a 200m carry with the cinder in your left hand. Some mumble chatter about some forearm struggles.
Third lap – take a lap
Next – 10 one handed press with the cinder then 100m farmer carry. Switch 10 one handed press with the other hand and then farmer carry.
Fourth lap – take a lap
Next – Loaf of bread carry 100m right hand. 100m bread carry left hand.
Fifth lap – take a lap
11’s curls and merkins with the cinder.
Drop the cinders off head back to the Norseman.
Merkin lines at the flag lot. 1 merkin 1st line, 2 merkins 2nd line…all the way to 12.
A few minutes of Merry – 6 inch bounce was a crowd favorite. A lot of mumble chatter about that name. My favorite was 30 seconds before bed.
My father in-law battling heart failure, Pat Tillman Run, 4 year anniversary of F3 Alpha.